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About project
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“Recharge yourself! Recharge Ukraine!”

Unique stories from those who saw the war with their own eyes experienced tragic events, and managed to be "reborn" are the best source of strength and energy. An emotionally stable nation has more chances to make successful changes and implement reconstruction projects.

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What it is?

“ Sylanka” – it is a space of stories from Ukrainians who witnessed, experienced or are experiencing the events of the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The resource aims to help Ukrainians "recover" and unite for the opportunity to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine.

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How it works?

We collected, systematized and thematically united these stories into "threads". "Threads" are common blocks of separate stories that allow readers to follow the connection and isolate for themselves practical advice and experience in the process of reading.

The main message of the project is the slogan “Recharge yourself! Recharge Ukraine!”. It is explained by the fact that the recovery of Ukraine starts with the recovery of everyone. Such an approach makes it possible not just to publish texts, but to create a "living" story written in the first person.

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If you are excited/interested in the story, you can share it on social networks.

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Our strength and stability is in our people! Each story is unique, needed and should be heard. Share stories on pages in social networks - help Ukraine to be stronger.